About Us
Area Camden aims to provide a structured, stimulating, caring and safe environment that is free from any prejudices and which offers young people the opportunity to be listened to and express their wishes, needs and feelings.
Aims and objectives
Our objective is to ensure that we will do all we can to ensure that all children are kept safe and protected from any form of abuse.
We plan to do this by remaining non-judgemental and ensuring our practice is anti-discriminatory toward any young person. We aim to promote an atmosphere that will develop open, non-confrontational communication and aim to help young people achieve their full potential in relation to all aspect and dimensions of their lives.
Staff at Area Camden will make every effort to:
- Encourage young people to make decisions and take responsibility for their choices supported by firm boundaries
- Support the young person’s right to make complaints with full details of how to do so
- Encourage young people to be active participants in their care plans, placement plans and cares reviews

Our staff aim to encourage a positive sense of self-image, through responding to young people’s individuality, by treating them with dignity and focusing on and reinforcing positive behaviour. We will support young people in promoting and developing their health, educational and developmental needs to ensure that they develop to their full potential.
At Area Camden we understand the importance of maintaining contact with families and carers and so this will be encouraged and maintained, wherever possible in accordance with the Children Act 1989 and Children’s Homes Regulations 2015. This is also to promote the young person’s identity and maintain their cultural links. Further, we will maintain and strengthen any links the young people may have with the Community.
We aim to work in partnership with the young people and any significant person in their lives, to promote the best possible outcomes for the young person.
Area Camden believes in promoting dialogue & encouraging active listening from all staff members. We will help young people to move towards independent living and will encourage them to gain the necessary life skills to achieve this. We will also support plans to rehabilitate young people to the care of their birth families if this is in their best interest.
The communication between staff, teachers and professionals is effective. This prevents children’s school placements from breaking down. Children who previously struggled with education are now regular attenders. They are encouraged to see education as a pathway to their futures. A child who arrived at the home as a nonattender at school and who rarely left their bedroom has now completed their exams. Having discovered a passion for cooking they are now making excellent progress on a catering course. This is one of the many educational successes that children have had.

We’re passionate about helping young people reach their full potential in life, if you share these same values we’d love to hear from you! With so many different ways to contribute we are confident that we’ll have a role for you.

Area Camden offers short to long-term placements for young people. We aim to provide stability and we will work with the young person, their family, social worker and other professionals.
Part of the Polaris Community
As one of the largest providers of children’s services and the very first provider of independent fostering in the UK, our community of services span the length and breadth of the whole of the UK.
We provide an extensive range of children’s services, which have grown and developed over our 30+ year history to ensure we can support children across a wide range of needs. By combining our community’s wide scale of services, as well as our local links, we’re transforming the future of children and children’s services.