Religion & Culture
Area Camden are committed to supporting the religious and cultural needs of each young person who lives in the home.
Part of the assessment process will concentrate upon the most appropriate way in which the home can support each individual’s spiritual development.
Area Camden will not tolerate persecution or abuse from other residents or staff on religious or cultural grounds. Area Camden plans to celebrate the diversity of each religious tradition represented but will also acknowledge a young person’s right to be atheist.
Those who wish to attend a regular religious service will be encouraged to do so, provided a satisfactory risk assessment have been conducted and the organization vetted for safeguarding reasons.
Area Camden will be proactive with its links to local religious groups and local ministers of religion and seek their advice where appropriate to ensure that any links made by the young people are safe.
Area Camden acknowledges the individual’s right to prayer and meditation and to access appropriate religious reading materials

Cultural Identity
Area Camden believes that a young person’s cultural identity & ethnic heritage are an integral part of their character and should be promoted. Young people have the right to grow up with a full sense of their identity and we believe that this will be achieved by promoting diversity and creating an atmosphere of tolerance and acceptance.
Staff at Area Camden will support young people with ‘life story’ work to help build their identity and resilience, where possible. This will help them to build a picture of their cultural background especially if they have had to leave their country of origin as a refugee.
For many young people, a change of location will also introduce them to a new culture. Staff at Area Camden will ensure that life transitions and changes of regional culture are treated sensitively so that each young person feels supported throughout.
Young people will be consulted about any cultural requirements affecting their diet, dress or social customs.
Equal Opportunities Statement
Area Camden believes that young people who live in the home should be treated with equality and their individuality should be respected at all times.
No young person will be discriminated against on the grounds of their age, gender, ethnic origin, core beliefs or sexuality. Staff at Area Camden will endeavour at all times to offer young people real choices that reflect their age, maturity, understanding and cultural background.
Placement planning will be underpinned by dignity and respect for the individual and an equal effort will be made to ensure that decisions are made in the best interests of the young people in our care.
All young people will have equal access to any services and support networks available to them and we will be proactive in encouraging them to take advantage of these resources.
Staff at Area Camden will demonstrate a positive commitment to equality as part of the company’s recruitment and selection criteria.
Area Camden is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from any member of the community who is committed to providing the highest levels of child care.
As part of its commitment to equal opportunities for the young people in our care, Area Camden will take active steps to protect all of our young people. This will include a thorough vetting procedure in line with legislation.
We believe in this instance that our equal opportunities policy must favour the rights of our Children and Young People above all other considerations.
Area Camden will view any racist, sexist, or ageist comments as a breach of its position with regards to equal opportunities. Any employee found in breach of this position will be considered liable for disciplinary action and possible dismissal.
Any young person involved in an incident of abuse relating to Equality Issues such as:
- Disability
- Gender and Gender reassignment
- Pregnancy & maternity
- Race
- Religion
- Sexual Orientation
- Age
- Marriage & Civil partnership
Will be dealt with immediately, and the incident shall be recorded in the Equality Log.

Consultation with Young People
Area Camden will encourage the young people to have an active involvement with the running of the home.

Our staff team will be constantly vigilant and aware that bullying can be present in residential care, and that it causes great misery for the victim.

Behaviour Management
We believe that it is the responsibility of all staff to communicate with young people about what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.