A map of London drawn in a cartoon sketch style

Education and Care Planning

We believe that education is essential for intellectual, social, emotional and physical development and can be a stable factor in the young person’s life.

Our commitment to the children and young people on admission is:

  • Give priority to obtaining a full education history including statutory Personal Education Plan (PEP), and EHCP, where applicable.
  • Make immediate contact with education provider and identify appropriate contact person, e.g. the Designated Virtual Head, Teacher or Head of Year within each school
  • Obtain copy of school times, individual timetable and homework timetable
  • Ensure earliest possible attendance for those with current education provision
  • Check uniform requirements, including PE kit and immediately provide missing items
  • Ensure child/young person is fully equipped with school bag and necessary equipment
Young Person Ready For School With Their Backpack On

Our commitment is to ensure education stability and progress will include:

  • Maintaining an accurate record of attendance, punctuality, homework and behaviour.
  • Regular checks on academic achievement and progress.
  • Provision of a suitable, resourced education/ homework area/facility
  • Supervision and personal interest in homework
  • Attendance at parent’s evenings and other school events
  • Promotion of extra curriculum activities
  • Encouragement in use of libraries
  • Development of personal interest outside of school

For all children and young people not in school/ education provision we will:

  • Provide a structured day of education/practical activities in-house or externally
  • Work with all relevant agencies to secure future full-time education provision
  • Encourage use of libraries and development of personal interests.
Young Person Doing Homework On The Sofa

General Care Planning

Each young person will be entitled to the following services

  • A Doctor who will be able to facilitate and meet their needs
  • Other specialist medical practitioners as required
  • Dentist
  • Optician
  • School placement

Each young person’s individual file will contain details of the following

  • Their medical history
  • Details of yearly medicals
  • Details of specific treatments, medication routines or therapies
  • Specific medical conditions with details of necessary preventative measures
  • Allergies and reactions to foodstuffs and/or medication
  • Dental health records
  • Optician records
  • Hearing records
  • Records of developmental checks
  • Involvement of parents/significant others in health issues
  • Written records of any medication administered; illnesses or accidents during the placement
  • Details of health related advice and guidance given to the young people
  • Medical consent form