Young People’s Views
Area Camden will encourage the young people to have an active involvement with the running of the home. We believe that all young people have valuable opinions, which need to be taken into account
Consultation policy
Consultation will be encouraged on a range of issues including:
- Decisions affecting a young person’s future
- Any decision that affects the young person’s rights
Choices about daily living that the young person can participate in such as: Their choice of diet, fashion, entertainment etc.
- The decoration and furnishings or their personal spaces
- The adequacy of their personal space
- How the home is run and managed
- Leisure activities that they would wish to participate in

“It is fundamental to the ethos of Area Camden that no decision is made without full consultation with the young person concerned”.

If a decision has to be taken in the young person’s best interest, then the reasons for that decision will be discussed in a sensitive manner with the young person.
It will not be assumed that a young person is unable to communicate their views due to disability or language barriers. Area Camden will always request the services of an advocate or translator for the placing authority should this scenario arise.
Consultation with a young person’s family will only take place against the individuals will if it is considered to be in their best interest.
Where it is not appropriate for the young person’s family to be involved, then the young person concerned will be made aware of the reasons in a sensitive manner.
To ensure that consultation is maintained for all young people in Area Camden key workers will hold weekly key working meetings with them. Young People will be made aware that they can talk to the Manager in between meetings if they have a problem.
Placing authorities, young people and families will all be consulted by the home when any changes to the operation of Area Camden are made. The Registered Manager will be available for any discussions regarding complaints or concerns they may have. Young people will be informed that the Responsible Individual will be available to discuss any issues which they feel necessary.

Education and Care Planning
We believe that education is essential for intellectual, social, emotional and physical development and can be a stable factor in the young person’s life.

Behaviour Management
We believe that it is the responsibility of all staff to communicate with young people about what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.

We believe that it is extremely important for young people to be actively encouraged and supported in their choice of recreational and cultural activities.